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Usage and abusage

Letter from Dick Bulinski

Language – January 2004 – Colorado Central Magazine


I apologize. I didn’t intend to imply that you weren’t using a dictionary or the other tools of your profession. Somewhere, something fell through the cracks. I suppose I was expressing my frustration at our collective reliance on methods that facilitate the urgency of moving on to the next task on our list.

I enjoy reading your articles. Your direct, articulate style is indeed a pleasure to experience. The research and preparation you do are so apparent in the copy. And, finally, I appreciate your coherent logic in the final result.

On your second point, that of misuse and the use of wrong words, even by professional journalists in all media, I have so many instances of gritting my teeth when I hear or read them. EVEN on NPR!

Podium for lectern; reticent for reluctant; notorious/notoriety for fame/infamy [shades of Hitchcock and Bergman]; and, I suppose on a somewhat more intellectual level, agenda for agendum and calvary for cavalry.

Dick Bulinski,



Your apology is accepted, but unnecessary. In truth, I don’t have nearly as good an eye for grammatical blunders as you have. I’m happy when we manage to eliminate glaring typos. Wait, let me rephrase that: I will be happy when….
