Brief by Central Staff
South Park – June 2001 – Colorado Central Magazine
There won’t be a South Park Symposium this summer, but the organizers are planning one for 2002.
The first two symposiums, in 1999 and 2000, featured presentations on everything from prehistoric archæology to contemporary water issues in South Park.
But there were some scheduling problems this year, and the organizers also wanted to regroup and find a way to increase attendance.
The symposium is held in South Park High School facilities in Fairplay, and so it has to be in the summer, when the school doesn’t need the “cafetorium.”
But this summer, the cafetorium may be needed by the water court, which would convene there if Judge Jonathan Hayes decides to proceed with the application for the Fox Hills Conjunctive Use Project.
“That decision should be announced in the near future,” according to Gary Minke of Fairplay, symposium president. If the judge dismisses the application and thus does not convene a hearing, then the space would be available, “but that wouldn’t leave us much time to organize and promote the symposium.”
Wayne Powell of Littleton, another symposium organizer, talked about the need to increase attendance. “We need to attract more than 60 or 70 people,” he said, and by taking this year off, “we’ll have time to think of better ways to promote it.”
The first symposium was in August, and last year’s was in June, on a weekend with many competing activities in the region. “We plan to go back to August in 2002,” Powell said.
One problem with holding the symposium in the summer, he noted, “is that a lot of business people would like to participate, but they’re so busy then.” But in the spring or fall, there’s no place to meet because school’s in session.
Even so, “we hope to have a well-attended symposium in 2002,” Powell said.