Brief by Central Staff
Growth – June 1995 – Colorado Central Magazine
Colorado’s population is growing at a faster rate than Africa’s, which means a new Denver in five years, and New Mexico is growing faster than Brazil or India.
Much of that growth is occurring along the border between the two states, and the Greater San Juan Partnership has been formed “to build a strong regional voice and action program to preserve and enhance the Greater San Juan Area as an outstanding natural, cultural, and economic region” and to foster “cooperative programs and economic development true to our region’s ecological and cultural well-being.”
More simply, the goal is that “long-time inhabitants and newcomers alike, can work cooperatively to protect and enhance the land as rural land.”
The group just published the first issue of its quarterly, The Partnership Letter: Voice of the Greater San Juan Partnership for People and the Land. That issue introduced the Partnership; future topics include “What counties are doing (or not doing) to protect rural lands” and “Crime of development: A link between uncontrolled growth and social discord.”
The Partnership plans a conference June 2-4 near Pagosa Springs; for more information, write to Tony Povilitis, P.O. Box 2494, Taos, N.M. 87571.