Brief by Central Staff
Pack-Burro Racing – February 2004 – Colorado Central Magazine
So far as we know, pack-burro racing is the only organized competitive sport that originated in Central Colorado, which is as good a reason as any for us to publish the results of the 2003 season.
The Western Pack Burro Racing ASS-ociation held the end-of- season banquet in November at Twin Lakes. Awards — some serious and some whimsical — were a prominent feature of the festivities.
The big prize is the Triple Crown. To win, a runner and burro must finish first in the three major races: Fairplay, Leadville, and Buena Vista.
As has become traditional, Barb Dolan won the women’s prize. No male runner managed to win all three.
Other 2003 season awards:
Burro of the Year: Chugs, owned by Barb Dolan.
Sponsor of the Year: Peoples Bank
Horizon Award (best new runner): Paul Brett
Most Determined Award: Richard Emond
Bridesmaid Award: Mary Walter
Come Back Season of the Century: Curtis Imrie
Worst Season of the Year: Mary Kuehster
Big Ass of the Year Award: Dave TenEyck
And now, the race results.
Greenland Trail Pack Burro Race
Castle Rock – June 7, 2003
Barb Dolan and Chugs, 1:03:27
Mary Walter and Ace, 1:07:19
Lori TenEyck and Sailor, 1:22:22
Mary Kuehster and Nugget, 1:23:50
Luann Goodnow and Opal, 2:15:48
Jacalyn Lodl and Firecracker, 2:15:49
Jamie Boese and Zapata, 1:03:28
Hal Walter and Redbo, 1:03:29
Kervin Quinones and Spike, 1:03:40
Kevin Mastin and Pilgrim, 1:15:13
Phil Williams and Cochise, 1:15:52
Don Mann and Sam, 1:17:27
Jim Romero and Nestor, 1:22:11
Steve Kuehster and Mr. Ziffle, 1:22:12
Bill Lee and Peanut, 1:39:26
Dave TenEyck and Peckinpah, 1:39:38
Ross Keller and Candy, 1:40:10
John Chapman and Bullwinkle, 2:07:44
Randy Mikelson and Amos, 2:16:52
Dave Black and Andy, 2:45:22
Richard Emund and Oscar, 3:01:48
Ed Mighell and Whitey, 3:42:15
Golden Burro Race
July 26
Women: Traci Case, Ruth Hund.
Men: Brian Resch, Jim Romero, Steve Kuehster, Steve Weber, Tim Martinez, Ross Keller, Jon Vincent, Lon Vincent, Jerry O’Donnell, Ed Mighell, David Rothenburger, and Bill Lee.
Fairplay World Championship
July 27
29-mile long course
to the top of Mosquito Pass and back.
Hal Walter and Spike, 5:16:18
Barb Dolan and Chugs, 5:51:00
Jamie Boese and Zapata, 5:51:01
Curtis Imrie and Masai, 7:01:52
Tom Sobal and Bullwinkle, did not finish.
15-mile short course
Paul Brett and Cochise, 2:09:14
Karen Thorpe and Sailor, 2:15:19
Mary Walter and Ace, 2:18:47
Danielle Ballenge and Clyde, 2:18:48
Don Mann and Sam, 2:42:09
Steve Hart and Vern, 3:10:27
Sue Conroe and Oscar L. Democrat, 3:15:50
Dave TenEyck and Peckinpah, 3:25:34
Bill Lee and Nestor, 3:43:30
Richard Emond and Koshare, 5:45:15
Rosemary Nordby and Opal, 5:45:15
Kevin Mastin and Pilgrim, did not finish
Leadville Boom Days
Aug. 3
Open class, 22 miles to the top
of Mosquito Pass and back.
Tom Sobal and Bullwinkle, 3:14:35
Hal Walter and Spike, 3:15
Curtis Imrie and Masai, 4:15
Don Mann and Sam, 4:31:52
Jaime Boese and Zapata, 4:31:54
Ken Chlouber and Mork, 4:49
Kevin Mastin and Pilgrim, 5:46
Bill Lee and Peanuts, 6:33
Steve Hart and Vern, did not finish
Dave TenEyck and JJ, did not finish
Women’s class, 15 miles
around Bald Mountain
Barb Dolan and Chugs, 1:55:29
Mary Walter and Clyde, 2:04
Karen Thorpe and Sailor, 2:23
Sue Conroe and Oscar, 2:52
Heidi Colley and Honky, 3:08
Amy Mastin and Mr. Ziffle, 4:43:55
Rosemary Nordby, burro not listed, 4:43:56
Central City Race
Aug. 9
Participants (not in finish order) were Bill Lee, Melissa Jane Clarkson, Diane Ridgway, Steve Hart, Jim Romero, Kevin Mastin, and Josie Brestle.
Buena Vista Gold Rush Days
Aug. 10
Barb Dolan and Chugs, 1:29:25
Mary Walter and Clyude, 1:51:08
Sue Conroe and Oscar, 2:20
Rosemary Nordby and Andy, 3:48
Tom Sobal and Bullwinkle, 1:29:26
Jamie Boese and Zapata, 1:29:27
Hal Walter and Spike, 1:29:59
Paul Brett and Cochise, 1:46:14
Kevin Mastin and Pilgrim, 1:51
Curtis Imrie and Masai, 1:57
Don Mann and Sam, 2:03
Dave TenEyck and Peckinpah, 2:05
Steve Kuester and Nugget, 3:01
Ross Keller, burro not listed, 3:40
Richard Emond and Koshare, last in to town