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Have any hair-raising travel stories?

We’d like to start running a new feature in Colorado Central Magazine and we need your help!

All sorts of magazines and newspapers have travel sections – romantic descriptions of exotic locales, sun-splashed beaches, friendly natives, unique cuisines, etc. – but we don’t want to hear about those. It’s like having to sit through Uncle Bob’s hour-long slide presentation of his family trip to Disney World.

What we are looking for are vacations gone terribly wrong. Travel stories from the dark side. Everyone’s got one; the lost hotel reservations, the sudden June blizzard during a mountain camping trip, finding out your travel partner is an imbecile.

Train wreck
Train wreck

So, we want to hear your stories. Not the good ones. The bad ones, the ugly ones. We are looking for around 500-700 words. Photographs to illustrate your trip from hell are also encouraged. Please change the names to protect the innocent and help us avoid litigious situations, keep it fun… well, at least keep it entertaining. They don’t need to be about international adventures. There are plenty of ways to get in trouble right here at home.

Someday, maybe we can find some travel-related sponsors to kick in some nice rewards for the best stories, maybe even some counseling sessions.

Please submit your stories to: Put the words “bad vacation“ or something similar in the subject line. Keep the photos under 5MB and, before you commit, make sure it’s a story you really want to tell in public.