Letter by Mary Jane Rust
Regional Lore – January 1998 – Colorado Central Magazine
Three stories and indoors at the Strater in Durango
I just read my December copy of Colorado Central and enjoyed it thoroughly, as usual.
The review of The Two-Story Outhouse reminded me of my conversation with Rod Barker, owner/manager of the Strater Hotel in Durango. I was at the Strater working on my book, Historic Hotels of the Rocky Mountains.
In the early days, according to Rod, “Every room in the Strater had comfortable furnishings, a wood-burning stove, and a washstand. It also had a three-story indoor privy with strategically placed holes!”
Keep up the good work.
Mary Jane Rust
Manitou Springs
Editor’s Note: We have learned that even though Two-Story Outhouse was listed in the most recent edition of Books in Print, it is no longer in print. If anyone knows of a source, we’ll be glad to pass it on.