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Can she return to where she belongs?

Letter from Sharon Mayer

Colorado citizenship – December 2000 – Colorado Central Magazine


Just had time to read the last great issue of Colorado Central and have some questions that were brought up by letters in the Correspondence Section. Since I am at present resigned to living in the State of Florida, I ask this please not be put to a vote.

If a person that lives out of state but has a home in Colorado is considered a Non-citizen, and a person married to a third- or fourth-generation Coloradan from a pioneer family but who was born out of state is considered an Outsider, then what do you call a person who is a third-generation Coloradan from a pioneer family recognized in three local museums (with a town named for them, Wellsville), but who was taken kicking and screaming at the age of 18 months from THE STATE and now being of great old age and sound mind is prepared to come back?

Now I am a good out-of-state Coloradan. I follow the local news, cheer when the right thing is done for my state, and have a fit when someone from outside wants to do their own thing, etc. I try my best to keep up with the issues. I have joined varied historical societies (they have all the family history and my family papers were destroyed years ago), receive local papers and publications, have land in the valley, and return for a mountain fix twice a year. I also have the largest collection of Colorado history books in Tampa, Florida.

I guess my real questions are: May I please return in my old age to where I belong? And what will the neighbors think?

Look forward to each issue of Colorado Central!


Sharon Mayer

The Wandering Coloradan