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A stinker campaign from 5,000 miles away

Letter from Timothy J. Kregel

Politics – December 2006 – Colorado Central Magazine


Very poignant piece by Hal Walter in the October edition. Having inadvertently purchased some asbestos along with a house in the past, I can relate to the frustration with local bureaucracies as well as the deep concern for family. Please convey best wishes from a couple he’s never met. One good laugh in the article as well — “cognitive and social dysfunction … Republican voting tendencies and widespread addiction to Fox News….”

Great cartoon by Monika Griesenbeck, too (best since the “chickens came home to roost” last November). Ed also nailed the subject in “More Than a Water Fight in Chaffee County.” That campaign’s a stinker that I can smell from 5,000 miles away!

Timothy J. Kregel
