Letter from Andy Burns
Community – November 2006 – Colorado Central Magazine
Colorado Central,:
George Sibley was quoted in High Country News October 2: “I judge the health of a paper and its community by the quantity and quality of the letters it gets….”
I notice lately that Colorado Central has a heck of a lot of letters, many of very high quality. I’m writing this one to add to the quantity.
As for the September issue: Martha, I found your article profoundly moving. Gentle understanding.
Cactus Jack’s extra “safe” safety matches snap in half when you try to strike them. Cheesy. And Diamond’s strike anywhere brand used to be so sturdy and dependable.
Columbine’s cable ride was so exciting I was thinking of telling my brother as I read to the ever more thrilling end, only to discover the price tag. As my heart sank, a cheesy resentment rose.
I love you, I love your paper, and I love Salida.
“Follow the Hearts,”
Andy Burns
Santa Fé